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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 114
Tuesday, January 6, 1925 (continued)

(9) [Shaft] 7112 A

Atittu uncovered this shaft. Its fill is limestone chips, rubble and mud bricks. The debris is mixed up because of plundering activities. They found in the debris:
.. fragments of small pottery plates
.. small pottery cups
1 pottery jar
1 pottery plate, broken

(10) [Shaft] 7130 X [=G 7133 X]

Ahmed Masoud started clearing the burial chamber [of shaft 7130] X at 12:00 pm. The debris is limestone chips, rubble and stone blocks. He found:
11 alabaster plates
1 fragment of an alabaster offering table

(11) [Shaft] 7211 A

Moussa and Ahmed Abd Al-Maula were working in the rock-cut [shaft]. This shaft ends with a chamber on the west, leading to a passage whose walls are lined with stone slabs. Portcullises are found in situ in the passage. We left them in place for photography. The debris is limestone chips, rubble, potsherds, stone blocks and dark soil. The debris is mixed up because of plundering activities. Here is a drawing of this rock-cut passage and chamber:


(12) [Shaft] 7211 B

Moursi and Moussa were working on this shaft. The debris is limestone chips, rubble, potsherds, stone blocks and mud bricks. The debris is mixed up because of plundering activities. They found in the debris of the shaft:
1 inscribed false door
They cleared this shaft to a depth of 3.3 m.

(13) [Shaft] 7211 C

Baghdadi was working on this shaft. Its debris is similar to the debris of shaft 7211 B. The walls of this shaft are built with mud bricks. They cleared this shaft to a depth of 70 cm. He reached the bottom of the shaft. There is no burial chamber.

End of Page 114


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
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