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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 104
Friday, January 2, 1925 (continued)

[(4) Shaft 7111 A (continued)]

1 limestone fragment, inscribed with scenes
1 fragment of an alabaster [offering] table
4 fragments of a pottery bowl
1 granite fragment
1 pottery plate

(5) [Shaft] 7210 B

Gad Al-Maula and a crew of workmen were in the burial chamber of shaft 7210 B. They were removing debris of sand, limestone chips and stone blocks. The found in the debris:
.. fragments of alabaster bowls
1 base of an alabaster cup
1 fragment of a diorite statuette
1 base of a Roman glass bowl

(6) [Shaft] 7220 A

Ahmed Masoud and a crew of workmen were in the burial chamber of shaft 7220 A. They were working in the antechamber. They were removing debris of sand, limestone, rubble and stone blocks. They cleared the antechamber. We piled the large stone blocks against the eastern wall of the chamber. We also dumped the debris of this chamber in shaft 7220 B.

(7) [Shaft] 7310 B

Also, Ahmed Masoud was working in the burial chamber of shaft 7310 B. He was removing debris of sand, limestone chips and rubble. Clearance was conducted in preparation for photography.
He came out of this shaft at 11:00 am. He will go back to clean the burial chamber after photographing the descending passage.

(8) [Shaft] 7320 A

Hasan Abu Al-Youssir was working in the burial chamber of shaft 7320 A. He cleared it. He found in the debris:
1 pottery cup
… fragments of a pottery jug
… fragments of a pottery plate
… bases of pottery jugs
We found the remains of a floor in the middle of this shaft. The burial chamber is on the east. Its walls are lined with stone slabs. There is also a recess in the south wall. This recess contains a small basin. Here is a drawing of the burial chamber:


End of Page 104


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates