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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 2168

Wednesday, November 27, 1935, the Pyramids (continued)

[Mastaba 4817] is a stone mastaba. It lies to the west of Mastaba 4816 and [Mastaba] 4818. It is also south of Mastaba 4815, and east of Mastaba 4715. Here is the drawing of [Mastaba 4817] and its shafts:


Thursday, November 28, 1935, the Pyramids

The workforce was 7 people. Excavation was progressing on (1) shaft 2197 A; (2) shaft 2337 Z; (3) Mastaba 2375; (4) shafts 4511 C and F; and (5) shaft 4811 C.

(1) Shaft 2197 A

We removed the blocking stones of the burial chamber. We started clearing the burial chamber. The debris is stones and rubble from the blockage. The debris in the burial chamber is rubble, limestone chips, and potsherds. To the south there is a cutting in the floor of the burial chamber. We found in the debris of the burial chamber:

8 small pottery dishes

8 small pottery cups

pieces of [a] wooden coffin, rotted

1 whetstone for sharpening the chisels (it is sandstone)

bones of a skeleton

bones of a skeleton, broken; the skull is broken too

We cleared the burial chamber for drawing. Drawings of the mastaba’s shafts are on the next two pages (2169 and [2170]).

End of page 2168


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    11/27/1935; 11/28/1935