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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 2104

Monday, October 21, 1935, the Pyramids (continued)

(2) Shaft 2385 X

The abovementioned workmen were in the shaft and the burial chamber. This shaft is south of the descending passage of rock-cut tomb 2385 A and north of the passage of rock-cut tomb 2370 A. The shaft’s walls are rubble and missing some courses to the east. On the bottom the walls are cut into the Gebel. They dug down a total of 215 cm. The debris is limestone chips, dark soil, and potsherds. The mouth of the shaft was covered with a large stone block. We moved it. Its burial chamber is to the west. It is cut into the Gebel and there are no blocking stones. The walls of the burial chamber are cased with lime plaster. The ceiling is also plastered. There is a pottery dish embedded in the plaster from the ceiling [?]. They found in the fill of the shaft:

fragments of pottery dishes


1 alabaster dish, broken into pieces

small pottery dishes and cups

We left the pottery dish embedded in the plaster in place for drawing and photography.

Today, we put up the roof of the garage of the ladies’ car, as well as the roof of magazine #4. We were also working on the guards’ room that is north of the house. We employed [Mr.] Sharaf and a camel to bring water.

Tuesday, October 22, 1935, the Pyramids

There was no work because of the market.

Wednesday, October 23, 1935, the Pyramids

The workforce was 7 people. Two workmen were assisting in the construction of the roofs. Excavation was progressing in (1) shaft 2188 D; (2) Mastaba 2378; [and] (3) Mastaba 2381 and shaft 2347 X [= G 5562 A].

(1) Shaft 2188 D

Barbary [Ahmed] and 5 workmen were in this shaft. It is south of shaft [2188] Y and east of [shaft 2188] X. It is cut within shaft [2188] C. The walls are lined with small stone blocks. They dug down a total of 95 cm. The debris is limestone chips, rubble, and stones. It turned out to be unfinished and there is no burial chamber.

(2) Mastaba 2378

The abovementioned workmen were in the storeroom, south of the serdab. They are clearing it to the floor in order to take measurements for drawing. The debris is a layer of white limestone chips covered with mud. They reached the bedrock in the storeroom.

End of page 2104


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    10/21/1935; 10/22/1935; 10/23/1935