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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 2073

Monday, September 30, 1935, the Pyramids (continued)

Here is the drawing of shaft G 2184 E:


Shaft [2184] G

The abovementioned workmen lifted the lid of the sarcophagus that was in burial chamber II. The sarcophagus is limestone. The debris is fragments of the limestone sarcophagus lid on top of a layer of limestone chips, dark soil, and rubble. The debris is resting on top of a layer of sand. They found in the debris inside the sarcophagus:

decayed wooden pieces

bones, disjointed

small pottery dishes

1 pottery ink pot

2 small pottery cups

3 fragments of a limestone basin, uninscribed

1 fragment of the base of a basin (limestone)

1 whetstone

In burial chamber II, there are four recesses in the eastern wall: two on the southern end and two on the northern end. The recesses are above the sarcophagus. They cleared the burial chamber. Its drawing is on the next page (2074) as well as the sketch of the limestone fragment [actually there is no sketch of the fragment on the next page].

(2) Shafts G 2186 C, E and F

Shaft [2186] C

The abovementioned workmen were in this shaft. It is mud-brick on top and cut into the Gebel on [the] bottom. The shaft is north of shaft [2186] B and west of shaft [2186] F, i.e., [it is] the northernmost shaft to the west. It was previously dug down to a depth of 140 cm. They dug down a total of 240 cm. The debris is limestone chips and dark soil.

End of page 2073


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates