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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 1870

Saturday, January 19, 1935, the Pyramids (continued)

(3) Shaft 1158 B (continued)


(4) Shaft 1162+1172 B

Dawi found a rounded limestone block in the form of a column in the fill of this shaft. It is inscribed with a cartouche.

(5) Shafts 1160 A and B

Shaft [1160] A

Said Hasan and workmen were in this shaft. It is rubble, covered with mud plaster on top, and cut into the Gebel on [the] bottom. They dug down 395 cm. The debris is white limestone chips, potsherds, and fragments of mudbricks. They found burial chamber I. It is to the east and cut into the Gebel. Its entrance is blocked with rubble, covered with a layer of mud plaster. They found in the fill of the shaft:

1 fragment of [a] pottery jar

1 whetstone, bearing traces of copper oxide

They have not yet reached the rock bottom of the shaft. We left the blockage for drawing and photography.

Shaft [1160] B

The abovementioned workmen were in this shaft. It is rubble, covered with mud plaster on top, and cut into the Gebel on [the] bottom. They dug down 115 cm. The debris is limestone chips, potsherds, and dark soil. They found one broken pottery jar in the fill of the shaft. They have not yet reached the rock bottom of the shaft, nor have they found the burial chamber.

Sunday, January 20, 1935, the Pyramids

The workforce was 7 people. Excavation was progressing on (1) west of Mastaba 1106; [and] (2) shaft 1160 B.

(1) West of Mastaba 1106

Three workmen were [working] west of this mastaba. The debris is limestone chips, rubble, sand, and potsherds. Clearance was conducted in order to reveal the core of the mastaba to the west for drawing. They have not yet finished clearing [it].

End of page 1870


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    1/19/1935; 1/20/1935