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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 1869

Friday, January 18, 1935, the Pyramids (continued)

(2) West of Mastaba 1158

The abovementioned workmen were west of this mastaba. The debris is white limestone chips on top [of] a layer of sand and potsherds. Two shafts were found to the west of the mastaba. They were assigned the numbers [Mastaba] 1160 A and B. Also under the western wall of this mastaba, they discovered a limestone false door, uninscribed. However, there are traces of red paint on it. They found in the fill of the mastaba:

1 fragment of limestone block, inscribed with an image of a fox

3 pottery jars, broken

1 unfinished small alabaster cup

1 mud sealing of a pottery jar

They are clearing the corners of the mastaba for drawing and also looking for shafts.

Saturday, January 19, 1935, the Pyramids

The workforce was 7 people. Excavation was progressing on (1) shaft 1113 D; (2) shaft 1155 L; (3) shaft 1158 B; (4) shaft 1162+1172 B; and (5) shafts 1160 A and B.

(1) Shaft 1113 D

Said Hasan and 7 workmen were in this shaft. Its walls are built with rubble. They dug down 71 cm. The debris is limestone chips, potsherds, flint, and dark soil. It turned out to be unfinished and there was no burial chamber.

(2) Shaft 1155 L

The abovementioned workmen were in this shaft. It is rubble on top and cut into the Gebel on [the] bottom. They dug down 185 cm. The debris is stone blocks, rubble, sand, and dark soil. They found burial chamber I; it is to the west. It is cut into the Gebel and blocked with rubble on a foundation layer of limestone chips.

(3) Shaft 1158 B

The abovementioned workmen were in this shaft. It is mudbrick and rubble on top and cut into the Gebel on [the] bottom. They dug down 305 cm. It was dug before to a depth of 275 cm. The debris is dark soil. Its burial chamber is to the west. It is cut into the Gebel and there were no blocking stones. They cleared it and its drawing is on the next page (1870).

End of page 1869


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    1/18/1935; 1/19/1935