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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 1042

Saturday, January 18, 1930
Sixty-sixth day of work

Work on:
(1) G 7767 Y
(2) G 7775
(3) G 7915 B
(4) G 7917 A, C
(5) G 7919 B
(6) G 7920 A, B, C, D, W, X, Y
(7) G 7000 E XXI, XXII [G 7000 E 21, 22]

Locals: 40

Cars, Line XVI

(1) G 7767
G 7767 Y: In rooms I, II, V
Room I: Removed lid of coffin No. (3), cleared.
Room II: Cleared body, bones, etc.; photograph.
Room V: Cleared lid of coffin No. (1), body, broken and disturbed. Among roof stones of coffin, is a small inscribed stela.
Removed lid of coffin No. (2), body head to west. Photo.

(2) G 7775
Clearing north end of mastaba.

(3) G 7915
South end of mastaba cleared.
G 7915 B: In chamber. Clearing.

(4) G 7917
G 7917 A: Down 4 meters. Removed blocking of room. Rock cut coffin north to south, roofed with stone slabs. Photo.
G 7917 C: In chamber. Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]

(5) G 7919
G 7919 B: Down 4.3 meters. Chamber, rock cut, on west, open.

(6) G 7920
Uncovered pits C, D, W, X and G 7000 E XXI [G 7000 E 21], XXII [G 7000 E 22]
G 7920 A: Down 4 meters.
G 7920 B: Down 1.75 meters. Commenced to clear pit in Room I - Depth 2.2 meters. Sand and rubble. Chamber on south, open. Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]

microfilm: end page 1042


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 8

People 1

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."