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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 1079

Wednesday, December 31, 1930 (continued)

(3) G 7797
Clearing rubble mastaba. Uncovered pits A, B, C, Z and late graves G 7000 SE 183, 185, 186.
G 7797 A: Depth 2.2 meters. Rubble, and rock cut. Chamber on west, open. Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]
G 7797 B: Depth 5 meters. Rubble and rock cut. Chamber west, open. [ILLUSTRATION]
G 7797 C: Down 2 meters. Rubble and rock cut.
G 7797 Z: Depth 2.7 meters. Rubble. No chamber.

(4) G 7924
G 7924 D: Clearing chamber.

(5) G 7946
Mud brick mastaba. Uncovered pits A to G, and late grave G 7000 SE 188.
G 7946 A: Depth 3.4 meters. Rock cut, chamber west, rock cut.
G 7946 B: Depth 3.1 meters. Mud built, chamber west, rock cut, open.
G 7946 C: Depth 3 meters. Rock cut, chamber south, open. [ILLUSTRATION]
G 7946 D: Down 1 meter. Mud built.
G 7946 E: Down .8 meters. Mud built.
G 7946 F: Depth .8 meters. Mud built. (serdab of mastaba)
G 7946 G: Down .2 meters. Mud built. Uncovered statuettes thrown out from serdab (pit F), one pair [31-1-4], one single standing [31-1-5], one squatting [31-1-7], and one seated [31-1-6], all limestone except the squatting figure (black granite). These are of [TRANSLITERATION and GLYPHS] [Tjenti, Nefu, Khenmetsetju].

(6) G 7000 SE 178, 183 - 188
No. 178 [G 7000 SE 178]: Found: faience beads.
No. 183 [G 7000 SE 183]: Rubble, east to west, height .9 meters.
No. 184 [G 7000 SE 184]: Mud, north to south, height 1 meter.
No. 185 [G 7000 SE 185]: Rubble, north to south, west of G 7797 C. Height 1.2 meters. Chamber on south, sealed.
No. 186 [G 7000 SE 186]: Rubble, east to west, height 1.1 meters, in mastaba G 7797. Cleared.
No. 187 [G 7000 SE 187]: Height 1 meter.
No. 188 [G 7000 SE 188]: Mud north to south, height .8 meters, in G 7946. Cleared.

microfilm: end page 1079


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Mentioned on page
    Khenmetsetju (in G 7946)
    Nefu (G 7946)
    Tjenti (in G 7946)
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 10

People 4

Ancient People

  • Khenmetsetju (in G 7946)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Wife of Nefu (owner of G 7946). Limestone standing pair statue (31-1-4 = MFA 31.777) inscribed for Nefu and Khenmetsetju; found in G 7946 G.
  • Nefu (G 7946)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner of G 7946. Limestone seated statue (31-1-6 = MFA 31.778 deaccessioned = Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri 48.47) inscribed for Nefu and limestone standing pair statue (31-1-4 = MFA 31.777) inscribed for Nefu and Khenmetsetju; both found in G 7946 G.
  • Tjenti (in G 7946)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Granite seated scribe statue (31-1-7 = MFA 31.776) and limestone standing statue (31-1-5 = Cairo JE 57019) inscribed for Tjenti, identified on both as [sHD jrjw-xt pr-HD] inspector of custodians of property of the treasury; both found in G 7946 G.

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."