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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 18

G 2461
Filled stone mastaba, traces of retaining walls on north, west and east. Seems to be built against G 2186. [margin note: 902, 933, 936, 949]

Shaft A [G 2461 A]: Ends at rock. Chamber on west, built of masonry. No blocking. Cleared. [margin note: 933]

Shaft B [G 2461 B]: Cut in rock. Well above bottom of shaft is cut in rock on east, as though start of unfinished chamber. Actual chamber cut in rock, with small rock cut coffin running north-south. No lid. In coffin tightly contracted skeleton, head north.

Shaft C [G 2461 C]: Cut in rock. Again in shaft on east, above bottom is unfinished cutting. Chamber on north, cut in rock. No blocking. Contracted skeleton, head west wrapped in decayed linen. Object limestone statuette, yellow color, in debris in shaft in front of chamber. [margin note: 933]

Shaft D [G 2461 D]: Ends at rock. Chamber on north, built of rubble. No blocking.

Shaft E [G 2461 E]: Ends at rock. Chamber on west, of rubble.

Shaft F [G 2461 F]: Ends at rock. No chamber.

Shaft G [G 2461 G]: Ends at rock. Chamber on west, of masonry.

Shaft H [G 2461 H]: Ends at rock. No chamber.

Shaft X [G 2461 X]: Ends at rock. No chamber.

Shaft Y [G 2461 Y]: Ends at rock. Chamber on north (blocking rubble and mud), built of masonry. Body head north.

G 2461a
Filled stone mastaba built against G 2461, G 2462. [margin note: 902, 934, 949]

Shaft A [G 2461a A]: Ends at rock. Chamber on north (blocking, one stone, and rubble), built of masonry. Tightly contracted skeleton, head north, bones broken.

Shaft B [G 2461a B]: Ends at rock. Chamber on west, masonry built.

G 2462
A filled stone mastaba, on independent site? Interior corridor chapel, the entrance to which was later walled up, perhaps at the time the pits X and Y were built in the chapel (see map page [ARABIC]) stele in west wall of chapel, to south. [margin note: 902, 935, 949]

Shaft A [G 2462 A]: Ends at rock. No chamber.

Shaft B [G 2462 B]: Ends at rock. No chamber.

Shaft C [G 2462 C]: [margin note: 935]

Shaft D [G 2462 D]: Ends at rock. Chamber on south (blocking, one stone and rubble), built of rubble. Body tightly contracted skeleton, head north. Around body black mud and traces of wood.

Shaft X [G 2462 X]: Ends in chapel debris. Chamber on east, built of rubble. No blocking. Cleared.

Shaft Y [G 2462 Y]: Chamber on west (blocking, stone and rubble and mud binding), built of stones and crude brick. Loosely contracted skeleton head north. On bones, traces of linen.

microfilm: end page 18


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Francis Olcott Allen

Tombs and Monuments 3

  • G 2461

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2461a

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2462

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 1

Modern People

  • Francis Olcott Allen

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Archaeologist/Egyptologist for the Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition