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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 546

Sunday, October 24, 1937

(1) G 2033 (continued)
G 2033 Z. Drawing


(2) G 2034
Stone mastaba. It is east of G 2032, south of G 2035 and west of G 2036. Exposed shafts A, B.

G 2034 A: In shaft. It is lined with dubsh to the beginning of the rock. It is south of B. Total depth 2.5 meters. White limestone debris. Ended at rock. No chamber.

G 2034 B: In shaft. It is lined with dubsh above and stones underneath and rock-cut below. It is north of A. Total depth 5.7 meters. Limestone debris and dirty debris. Chamber on west. Cut in rock. Blocked with three stones and bound with mud. Blocking left for photo.

Monday, October 25, 1937

Work on
(1) G 2025 Z
(2) G 2040 A, B, C, D, X, Y

(1) G 2025
G 2025 Z: In shaft and chamber. It is lined with dubsh to the beginning of the rock. Only east lined with crude brick the lining of mastaba G 2025. It is west of shaft C. Total depth 2.25 meters. Dirty debris, sand and bones. Chamber in shaft on west. Lined with dubsh only on east with one stones. Cleared. Open and empty. Drawing.


(2) G 2040
Stone partly destroyed mastaba. It is north of G 2019a b, G 2025 and west of G 2041. The chapel of this mastaba built with stones, opened to north with an inscribed stela on south, east of shaft A. The stela was inscribed in sunk relief but now nearly weathered. Also on the top of the mastaba is another inscribed stela in sunk relief (weathered). Exposed seven shafts in the mastaba. A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z.

G 2040 A: In shaft. Lined with stones above and rock-cut below. It is at the south end of the mastaba, south of shaft B. Total depth 4 meters. Stones, dubsh and white limestone debris. Chamber on west. Cut in rock. Blocked with stones because we found the stone blocking thrown in shaft. North-south rock-cut coffin with lid (lid consists of two big stones). Reached the rock in shaft, and left the coffin lid in place for photo.

G 2040 B: In shaft. Lined with stones, and partly destroyed on west and north. It is north of A and south of C. Total depth 1.45 meters. Drift sand. Cleared. No chamber.

G 2040 C: In shaft and chamber. Lined with dubsh above and rock-cut below. It is north of B and south of D. Total depth 4.05 meters. Limestone debris, sand and red sand and pebbles. Chamber on west cut in rock. The roof of the chamber is of bad rock and bound with gypsum. No blocking. North-south rock-cut coffin. Only on west. Lined with stones and dubsh. Roof gone. Empty. Drawing of shaft on page 547.

microfilm: end page 546


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    10/24/1937; 10/25/1937
  • Translator
    Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]
  • Author
    Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

Tombs and Monuments 10

  • G 2019a

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2019b

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2025

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2032

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2033

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2034

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2035

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2036

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2040

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2041

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 2

People 2

Modern People

  • Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Translator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Diary translator. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926). Brother of Mohammed Said Ahmed (Head Reis 1936-1939). Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.
  • Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Head Reis for the Harvard-MFA expedition, 1936–1939. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926) and brother of Mahmoud Said Ahmed [Diraz] (Translator) and Ahmed Said Ahmed [Diraz]. Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.