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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 570

Monday, December 6, 1937

Work on
(1) G 2100
(2) G 2111

(1) East of G 2100
East of this mastaba on north. In the street between it and G 2130. In exposing new mastabas and shafts in that place. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh and dirty debris. We exposed a small stone and rubble mastaba with shafts. The mastaba not yet numbered, and also the shafts. Not started in them.

(2) East of G 2111
East of this mastaba. South of G 2110 and west of G 2130. In exposing the new mastaba and shafts in that place. Limestone debris, dubsh, sand and dirty debris.
Exposed some new small mastaba and shafts lined with dubsh. Not yet numbered and not started in them.

Tuesday, December 7, 1937
Day of rest.

Wednesday, December 8, 1937

Work on
(1) G 2111 A, B, C, D

(1) G 2111
G 2111 A: In shaft and chamber. Lined with stones above, one course of mud-brick underneath, dubsh and rock below. It is east of C and D and west of the stela. Total depth 5.24 meters. Dirty debris, broken mud-brick, dubsh, remains of bones and traces of decayed wood. Chamber on east. Cut in rock. No blocking. Found in shaft debris. One inscribed fragment in relief. Drawing.


G 2111 B: In shaft and chamber. Lined above with crude brick on three sides, north, south and east. On west lined with.........., And cut in red rock below. It is southeast of C. Total depth 3.1 meters. Dirty debris and broken mud-brick. Chamber on east. Lined with stones on three sides, east, west and south. On north lined with dubsh. Roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


microfilm: end page 570


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    12/06/1937; 12/07/1937; 12/08/1937
  • Translator
    Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]
  • Author
    Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

Tombs and Monuments 3

  • G 2100

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2111

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2130

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 2

People 2

Modern People

  • Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Translator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Diary translator. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926). Brother of Mohammed Said Ahmed (Head Reis 1936-1939). Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.
  • Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Head Reis for the Harvard-MFA expedition, 1936–1939. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926) and brother of Mahmoud Said Ahmed [Diraz] (Translator) and Ahmed Said Ahmed [Diraz]. Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.