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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 918

Friday, April 12, 1929
Fifty-sixth day of work.

Locals: 52

Cars (line XIII):
5:40 - 8:00: 50
8:30 - 12:00: 80
1:00 - 5:00: 102
total: 232

Work on:
(1) G 7524 A, D
(2) G 7600 R, S, T, X, Y, Z
(3) G 7631
(4) G 7650 'g', 'h'
(5) G 7000 SE 149 to 151

(1) G 7524
G 7524 A: In room ii and iii. In room ii on a rock cut pit (No. VI). Found in debris of room ii: fragment of limestone offering table, ushabti fragments, flint fragment, faience bead.
G 7524 D: In rooms. Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]

(2) Street G 7600
Clearing east of G 7650 and southwards. Uncovered rooms G 7650 g and h, of mud brick chapel. Found in debris: one small jar, ring stand, five bowls, ushabti fragments, fragment of alabaster vessel, flint knife.
G 7600 R: Down 4.2 meters. Masonry above, rock-cut below.
G 7600 S: Down 10.3 meters. Chamber found.
G 7600 T: In rooms i, ii. Debris: bones, sand, rubble. Rock-cut coffin, roofed with blocks. Found in debris of room ii: small faience cup.
G 7600 X: In rooms i, ii, iii. Debris: bones, black dust. In room i: scraps of gold foil. In room ii: three amulets, copper fragments, two copper punches. In room iii: removed bodies and uncovered roofed coffins cut in rock.
G 7600 Y: In chambers. Found in debris: ushabtis, fragment of jar neck, amulets (faience). Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]

microfilm: end page 918


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 13

Published Documents 1

People 1

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."