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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 648

Friday, January 21, 1927 (continued)

(3) G 7143 (continued)
cut in rock; practically no debris in chamber; remains of decayed wooden box with skull towards north and broken bones. Around the head, fragments of coffin with design; covered with gold frit; left for photo. On the floor towards door, a group of broken copper models [ILLUSTRATION] also four model knives (as in Impy tomb) c.f. knives of Hetepheres.
slightly hollowed. c.f. the hieroglyph [GLYPHS], a stack of four or seven such knives tied together. Also fragments of a small model basin of copper.
Near the bones: fragments of copper bands covered with plaster and gold foil, bracelet, diadem.
[ILLUSTRATION] and part of a crown?
[ILLUSTRATION] plaster with black lines; frame covered with gold frit.
The breaks on these models show patination but much less than the original green patination. Therefore plundering took place after the formation of green patina but yet not recently.

(4) G 7144
The low rubble structure (perhaps 2 or 3 different mastabas) number G 7144 runs on south and today we opened pits H to L
G 7144 H: Depth 70 cm; ends at rock; unused.
G 7144 I: Depth 72 cm; ends at rock; unused.
G 7144 J: Depth 155 cm; enters rock; no chamber; unused.
G 7144 K: Depth 67 cm; small chamber on south built of rubble; empty.
G 7144 L: Depth 150 cm; ends at rock; fragments of human bones show burial in bottom of pit, destroyed by thieves.

(5) G 7145 [= G 7145+7147]
The removal G 7100 Pt i and ii revealed the fact that G 7145 is the front part of G 7151 (excavated 1925-6). Began clearing offering room (a) and opened pit A. Down 80 cm in A; thieves debris (earlier than Ptolemaic walls above).

microfilm: end page 648


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Mentioned on page
    Hetepheres I (G 7000 X)
    Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy (G 2386/G 2381)
  • Author
    George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942

Tombs and Monuments 5

Published Documents 1

People 3

Ancient People

  • Hetepheres I (G 7000 X)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Wife of King Snefru, founder of Egypt’s Fourth Dynasty, and mother of King Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid. Her burial was hidden in a secret chamber (labeled G 7000 X) nearly 90 feet underground, and contained beautiful pieces of gilded and inlaid wooden furniture, silver jewelry, and a large alabaster sarcophagus that was found to be mysteriously empty.
  • Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy (G 2386/G 2381)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Possible owner of one of two stone built chapels G 2386a or G 2386b, buried in sloping-passage shaft G 2381 A. Merptahankh-meryre, [rn=f nfr] his good name Ptahshepses Impy. Son of Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (owner of G 2381). Wood coffin (12-12-575 = MFA 13.3085) inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a sm xrp SnDt nbt Xrj-Hb Hrj-tp jmA-a xtmw-bjtj jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt smr watj mDH nswt qdw m prwj jmj-r wabtj] count, sem-priest, director of every kilt, chief lector-priest, gracious of arm, sealer of the king of Lower Egypt, overseer of all royal works, sole companion, royal architect in the two houses, overseer of the two wabets; found in situ in G 2381 A. Copper flaring basin (12-12-265 = MFA 13.2940) inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt smr watj mDH nswt qdw] count, overseer of all royal works, sole companion, royal architect; found in situ in G 2381 A. Wesekh broadcollar (12-12-583 = MFA 13.3086) with terminals inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a jmj-r kAt] count, overseer of works; found (more than one-half intact) in situ in G 2381 A.

Modern People

  • George Andrew Reisner

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
    • Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.