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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 895

Friday, March 15, 1929 (continued)

(5) G 7600 Pt XXI to XXIII
A house of mud brick, with rooms XXI to XXIII. Clearing building for measurement and removal. Found in debris of room XXIII: ushabti fragments [29-3-191], small bowl [29-3-190], alabaster vessel fragment [29-3-189]. Clearing other rooms.

Saturday, March 16 1929
Thirty-third day of work.

Locals: 53

Cars (line XIII):
6:00 - 8:00: 102
8:30 - 12:00: 152
1:00 - 5:00: 169
total: 423

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7650 C
(3) G 7690 B
(4) G 7600 Pt XXIV to XXVI
(5) G 7000 SE 131 to 134

(1) Street G 7600
Clearing northwards, east of G 7650. Removing mud brick walls of late building. Uncovered rooms Pt XXIV to Pt XXVI and four pits in the building numbered G 7000 SE 131 to 134 [G 7000 SE 131, G 7000 SE 132, G 7000 SE 133, G 7000 SE 134]. Found in street debris: faience amulets [29-3-218, 29-3-219, 29-3-220], two small bowls [29-3-221, 29-3-222], one copper pin [29-3-223].

(2) G 7650
G 7650 C: Down 15.1 meters. Debris of rubble. Chamber on south. Burial has been robbed, but a red granite sarcophagus, open, contains the confused bones of body. Sarcophagus has 'facade' design but apparently no inscription.

(3) G 7690
G 7690 B: Cleared debris from room. Found: fragment of ivory [29-3-216] and small pendant [29-3-217].


(4) G 7600 Pt XXIV to XXVI
Nos. XXIV, XXV, and XXI rooms.
No. XXIII has a pit (No. G 7600 X) in the center, built of masonry.
West of room XXI are four pits going down only to the bottom of the walls of building (Nos. G 7000 SE 131 to 134).
Found in debris room XXV: ushabti fragments [29-3-215], bead.

microfilm: end page 895


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    03/15/1929; 03/16/1929
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 13

Published Documents 1

People 1

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."