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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 74

Saturday, December 28, 1912 (continued)

[G 2000 continued]
joints at points a, b, in the casing of mastaba east face.

Sunday, December 29, 1912

A re-examination of the north niche of G 2000 shows the explanation of the lack of joints in the casing.


The casing of the recess is only carried down to the top of the fourth course, counting up from the floor of the niche. Below the top of the fourth course there is no recess, and the casing of the eastern face of the mastaba runs straight across the recess, broken only by the false door (niche).


A number of the large stones have red marks. It seems probable that the niche floor was planned at the same level at the south niche, but

microfilm: end page 74


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    12/28/1912; 12/29/1912
  • Author
    George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • G 2000

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 1

Modern People

  • George Andrew Reisner

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
    • Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.