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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 72

Thursday, December 17, 1914 (continued)

Sultan to replace the Khedive. He is Prince Hussein Kamel. This is a very wise move and will kill Turkish influence absolutely. The Khedive Abbas II disappears into private life in Stamboul.

Friday, December 18, 1914

Work on
(1) dump north of G 5411 - G 5412
(2) sloping passage G 5413 A (northwest of G 5412)
(3) work between G 5110 and G 5210
(4) interior of G 5220
(5) front of G 5220 and northwards
(6) between G 4930 and G 4920

(1) Dump north of G 5411 - G 5412
Under this old dump lies a dark gravelly deposit perhaps an ancient construction dump. Under dark gravel is rock with quarry face on east.


(2) G 5413
The passage G 5413 A was apparently unfinished. Opened in modern times, entrance filled with dirt, fragments of newspapers, lunch papers, etc.


(4) G 5220
Work on G 5220 B temporarily suspended owing to dangerous condition of south casing wall. The plunderers have undermined the wall.


In clearing the hole beside (north) of B we came on the end of a serdab. The stone roof slab on the west end was missing and interior was filled with limestone debris and sand [ILLUSTRATION]. At the east end a hole had been broken in the end wall.

The rest of the work showed no developments.

C.S. Fisher arrived from America.

Egypt was declared an [English] protectorate at

microfilm: end page 72


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    12/17/1914; 12/18/1914
  • Mentioned on page
    Clarence Stanley Fisher, American, 1876–1941
    Khedive Abbas II
    Sultan Hussein Kamel (Pasha)
  • Author
    George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942

Tombs and Monuments 8

  • G 4920

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 4930

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5110

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5210

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5220

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5411

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5412

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5413

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 4

Modern People

  • Clarence Stanley Fisher

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1876–1941
    • Remarks Archaeologist and architect. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
  • George Andrew Reisner

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
    • Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
  • Khedive Abbas II

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Egyptian Khedive - Turkish
  • Sultan Hussein Kamel (Pasha)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Egyptian Sultan - English Protectorate.