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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Also Known As
    Alternate spelling : Nykauinpu
    Alternate spelling : Ny-kau-inpu
    Manuel de Codage : njkAwjnpw
    Manuel de Codage : nj-jnpw-kAw
  • Remarks
    In Cairo in 1920, a group of twenty-six servant statues and their appurtenances, along with four statuettes of the official Nikauinpu and his wife Hemetredjet, were purchased from Nicholas Tano. The tomb of Nikauinpu at Giza was given as the provenance for all. The precise location of this tomb is unknown (perhaps the Western Cemetery?), and it is generally dated to Dynasty 5 or 6. Most of these servant statues are in the collection of the Oriental Museum, Chicago, while one is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. Pair statue of standing man and woman on rectangular base (OIC_E_10618); inscribed on front of base for Nikauinpu and his wife Hemetredjet. Pair statue of standing man and woman joined by rectangular back pillar (OIC_E_10619); inscribed for Nikauinpu and his wife Hemetredjet. Standing statue of a man (OIC_E_10620); inscribed for Nikauinpu. Seated statue of a man (OIC_E_10621); inscribed on front of rectangular seat: [sHD Xrtjw-nTr nj-jnpw-kAw] "inspector of stonemasons Nikauinpu". All statues now in Chicago.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 4