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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : wsr
    Alternate spelling : Woser
    Alternate spelling : User
  • Remarks
    Son (?) of Senwehem (owner of G 2132). Appears on false door (MFA 27.444) inscribed for Senwehem, north jamb (fourth register, one of two male figures carrrying offerings, figure on left); found in situ in G 2132. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw pw(?) nw n Xt mAa] "the children of (my) body, truly". One of two male figures named Weser (one in central niche, one on north jamb); possibly same individual.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 1

Drawings 1