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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Alternate spelling : Thenti
    Alternate spelling : Tjenty
    Manuel de Codage : Tntj
  • Remarks
    Father ([jt=f] his father) of Neferherenptah (owner of G 4311). Appears on north false door, north jamb (male figure facing left); also appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, two standing couples face each other): couple on left: Neferherenptah and his wife (unnamed), couple on right: Tjenti (his father) and Tjentet (his mother); identified in both places as [rx nswt jmj-r sSw n Snwt] royal acquaintance, overseer of scribes of the granary; in situ in G 4311.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Unpublished Documents 2