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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : Hrjwfanx
    Alternate spelling : Hor-iufankh
    Alternate spelling : Hariufankh
    Alternate spelling : Horiufankh
  • Remarks
    Child (born) of Nefretheres. Ushabtis (fragments: 24-12-626, 25-1-704, 25-2-268, 26-3-169, 26-4-57) inscribed for Horiuefankh; found widely scattered in Street G 7100 and vicinity (G 7130 X = G 7133 and G 7141), G 7230-7240: G 7230 B, and in Street G 7500.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 5