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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : KAr
    Alternate spelling : Kar
  • Remarks
    Son ([sA=f mrjj=f] his beloved son) of Idu (owner of G 7102). Appears on east door jamb of offering room entrance, identifed as [sAb sS] juridicial scribe (name and identical titles appear also on east wall of offering room above first statue niche). Also appears chapel relief, south wall (top register, in mock combat with his brother Hemi), and west wall (south end, second register, at head of line of offering bearers, censing before his father); in situ in G 7102. Incised jamb blocks (25-1-118 + 25-1-121 + 25-1-122 + 25-1-123 + 25-1-124 = MFA 25.1518) inscribed with different titles and name of Qar may belong to different individual; found in shaft 7102 E (originally from western chamber off middle level court). Possibly same individual as Qar (owner of G 7101).

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 6

Published Documents 1

Unpublished Documents 8