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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : n[j]ra
    Alternate spelling : Nira
    Alternate spelling : Nyra
    Alternate spelling : Nire
  • Remarks
    Owner of G 2435. Limestone false door (40-1-25) inscribed for Nyre, identified as [sHD Hst pr-aA stp-sA Xrj-tp st nt nswt sxmx-jb nb=f Hrj-sStA Hs pr-aA] inspector of singing in the Great House, chamberlain(?) in charge of the royal seat, he who delights the heart of his lord, secretary, singer of the Great House; found in situ in G 2435. Fragments of limestone lintel (40-1-24 + 40-2-3) depicting five standing male figures (facing left) with vertical line of inscription before each figure, each one identified as Nyre, identified as [sHD Hst pr-aA Hm-nTr ... Hrj-sStA n nb=f sxmx-jb nb=f] inspector of singing in the Great House, priest of ..., secretary of his lord, he who delights the heart of his lord; found reused as roofing over intrusive burial G 2435 X. Fragments of door jamb (40-1-23 + 40-2-2) depicting Nyre and son(?) (identifying inscription not preserved); found reused in intrusive burial G 2435 X.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 3

Unpublished Documents 1