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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : anxpAXrd
    Alternate spelling : Ankh-pa-khered
  • Remarks
    Fragments of limestone seated statue (26-1-1239 + 26-1-1240) inscribed for Ankhpakhered; found in Isis temple (room A). Ushabtis (fragments: 26-1-100, 26-1-151, 26-1-199, 26-1-200, 26-1-204, 26-1-205, 26-1-206, 26-1-228, 26-1-252, 26-1-296, 26-1-307, 26-1-308, 26-1-309, 26-1-310, 26-1-311, 26-1-312, 26-1-362, 26-1-1209, 36-11-19b) inscribed for Ankhpakhered; found widely scattered in debris of Isis temple (rooms E and K, and most in pit F) and surrounding area (Street G 7000 and Avenue G 4).

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 21