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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : sSmnfr Ttj
    Alternate spelling : Seshemnefer-Tjeti
    Alternate spelling : Tjeti
  • Remarks
    Owner of Seshemnefer Tjeti (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker, part of Seshemnefer [IV] complex). Seshemnefer Tjeti, called Tjeti. Remains of false door inscribed for Seshemnefer Tjeti, identified as [smr watj xrp nstj] sole companion, director of the two thrones; also appears in chapel relief (displaced blocks), with previous titles and additional title [HqA bAt] chief of Bat; found in mastaba of Seshemnefer Tjeti (blocks of relief perhaps originally from chapel entrance, to room a). Probable son of Seshemnefer [IV] (owner of Lepsius 53). Appears in chapel relief, interior chapel entrance (facade and reveal faces of north and south door jambs); in situ in Lepsius 53.

Tombs and Monuments 2