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Menkaure valley temple, portico (= room K = published plan room 1), lower portions of four alabaster seated statues (published nos. 21 = 08-7-10, 20 = 08-7-9, 19 = 08-7-17 = MFA 09.202, 18 = 08-7-16 = Cairo JE 40704) and two statue heads (published nos. 22 = 08-7-18 = Cairo JE 40705, 18 = 08-7-19) and torso (published no. 18 = 08-7-20) in situ, looking W


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Subjects
    Menkaure Pyramid Complex: Site: Giza; View: Menkaure valley temple
  • Date
  • Remarks
    statue no. 18 = 08-7-16 (base) + 08-7-19 (head) + 08-7-20 (torso) = Egyptian Museum, Cairo JE 40704
  • Problems/Questions
    VERIFIED: identifications verified; registration numbers based on publication p. 36 (no registration records from this date); MFA accession number verified; Reisner reference verified
  • Photographer
    Badawi Ahmed (expedition photographer)

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 3

People 1

Modern People