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Cemetery G 2000: isolated pit (G 2000 X = Roth G 1903X/2091X) 50 meters N of NE corner of G 2000 (= Lepsius 23), pit wall, stone block on serdab as found (provenance of statues 26-1-132 = Cairo JE 72142 and 26-1-133 = MFA 39.829), looking S


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Subjects
    Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2000 X = G 1903X 2091X
  • Date
  • Remarks
    G 2000 X not same as G 2000, shaft X (see Vol.15.p.123); G 1903X/2091X based on A.M. Roth, A Cemetery of Palace Attendants G 2084-2099 G 2230+2231 G 2240, Giza Mastabas 6 (Boston, 1994), pl. 101; tomb mislabeled 1093X in published caption; object mislabeled MFA 39.929 in published caption.
  • Photographer
    Mohammedani Ibrahim

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