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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 250

Friday, February 20, 1925 (continued)

(2) Avenue G 0 [G 7000 X // GAR]
The photographs taken of the patch of cement [= plaster //GAR] described yesterday being approved it was attacked with picks this morning. The upper part was found very hard, the lower powdered to a white dust. By 11:20 there was revealed below it a well paved block of white limestone, much of it in brick-shaped slabs apparently about 5 cm thick [later 12 - 1 cm. // GAR]. This covered the whole area in what had already been seen to be a cut in the rock and is now clearly the sealed entrance to an Old Kingdom tomb approaching by a sloping passage or stairway towards the south. It is noticed that south of this point there is a large free space and that this passage lines up well with the dummy or immature [unfinished // GAR] pyramid in the street. Photographs and drawing of this block being found satisfactory it will be opened tomorrow. [Photo references: Course I - C10907, looking east-southeast; B5629, looking northwest; B5630, looking northwest; A3580, looking south; B5631, looking north; B5632, looking southwest; B5633, looking south. // GAR]

(3) G 7102
G 7102 C: The chamber was completely cleared this morning by noon.


microfilm: end page 250


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, British, 1899–

Tombs and Monuments 8

People 1

Modern People

  • Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British, 1899–
    • Remarks Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, born South Africa, Sivaratri, March 10, 1899. British subject with a Scottish father and an English mother. For a brief period during 1925 he was a staff member of Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, who later joined the Theosophist movement in India. Greenlees received his MA degree in 1922 from Oxford, where he studied Egyptian, Coptic and Arabic. April 2,1925, Greenlees appointed Assistant Curator of Egyptian Art at MFA.