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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : jnpwHtp
    Alternate spelling : Inpu-hotep
    Alternate spelling : Inpu-hetep
    Alternate spelling : Inpuhotp
    Alternate spelling : Inpuhotep
  • Remarks
    Owner of Inpuhetep (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Architectural elements (chapel entrance lintel and drum lintel) inscribed for Inpuhetep; also appears on chapel entrance east and west door jambs (on east jamb reveal, as eldest son of Itjer); in situ in mastaba of Inpuhetep. Offering stone with two rectangular basins and raised relief Htp-sign (Hildesheim 3042) inscribed for Inpuhetep; found in situ in front of south false door in mastaba of Inpuhetep chapel. Identifed (variously) as [rx nswt jnpw sH-nTr Hm-nTr wt] royal acquaintance, priest of the divine booth of Anubis, embalmer.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 1